Nästa onsdag är det dags för
Filosofiska föreningens sista föredrag denna termin. Då skall Professor Michael
Smith, Princeton University, tala om Gud och etik.
Så här presenterar Professor
Michael Smith själv sin föreläsning på Filosofiska föreningens hemsida:
and Ethics"
"Many introductory ethics courses begin by presenting the
Euthyphro Dilemma, assume that the Dilemma shows that the Divine Command Theory
is mistaken, and then draw the further conclusion that God is irrelevant to the
study of ethics. If God exists, then God is able to do excellently what we all
try to do when we engage in moral thinking. But thinking about God won't help
us understand either what we are trying to do when we engage in moral thinking,
or what conclusions we should come to. There seem to me to be several mistakes
here, and my aim in this paper is to explain what these mistakes are."
Datum: Onsdag den 28 maj
Tid: kl 19.15-21.00
Plats: Hörsal F, Humanisthuset,
Umeå universitet
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